Since commencing as CEO, Ngunga’s focus has been on restructuring and enhancing our service delivery. We currently offer a range of programs, including the Children and Schooling Program (with place-based playgroups and mobile playgroup), the Home Interactive Parenting Program for Youngsters – HIPPY, Connected Beginnings, our Community op Shop, Financial Support Service, and the Language and Cultural Program.
I’m proud to share that we’ve built a strong team of local women at Ngunga, which has opened up extensive professional training opportunities, long-term employment options, and collaborations with other services to provide early childhood programs. The Early Years Partnership has been particularly successful in the community, aligning perfectly with Ngunga’s vision to establish an early year’s daycare service and Family Hub for local Aboriginal children and families. Thanks to our Early Years partners, we’ve secured $8 million to bring these essential services to life. This project is now underway, and we will soon begin community consultations to shape what these services will look like.
We have been placing significant emphasis on delivering a cultural curriculum across our services, focusing on knowledge transfer through our programs, partnerships, and connections with our elders, young mums, and young girls.
Our op Shop continues to thrive, and we’re deeply thankful for the support form the Derby community. Our recent collaboration with The Remote Op Shop project has brought in a new range of items for the Derby Community.
In addition, we’re excited to announce our new partnership with Kimberley Money Management as we roll out our Financial Information and Support Service program.
You may have noticed our increased social media presence. We believe this is a key way for us to communicate our message and keep you informed. We greatly appreciate your support!
I receive positive feedback daily from people who are excited and inspired by the work Ngunga is doing. Recently, a local service provider remarked, “Ngunga is really at the forefront of early years space. It’s really exciting to watch.”
The Ngunga board meets regularly, and I want to extend my gratitude to our board members for their knowledge and service, as well as our dedicated staff for their unwavering commitment to delivering our Early Years Programs.
Please feel free to reach out to me via email at ceo@ngunga.com.au
Rowena Mouda