Ngunga Group Womens Aboriginal Corporation is a not-for-profit, Indigenous Community-based charitable organisation.


The Ngunga Group Women’s Aboriginal Corporation aims to provide direct relief of poverty, suffering, helplessness and distress through the provision of financial counselling, emergency financial relief and various family support services without discrimination.

Membership can be granted to the following:

• Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander persons over 18 years, resides in Derby.
• Non-indigenous person who is a permanent resident of the town of Derby
• Committed to the objectives of the corporation.

If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us via


Our Objectives

The corporation aims to provide direct relief of poverty, suffering, helplessness and distress through the provision of financial counselling, emergency financial relief and various family support services without discrimination and to include, but without limiting the generality of the above, the following:

(a) Provide resource facilities for the people of the West Kimberley
(b) Promote educational and socio-economic development for Aboriginal people
(c) Provide resources to assist Parents in their care of children
(d) Encourage social development within the community
(e) Support community members in their pursuit of self-reliance by referring to relevant agencies
(f) Encourage community members to practice traditional culture
(g) Engage other Aboriginal Corporations in projects of mutual understanding
(h) Source funding from Commonwealth and State agencies to meet our objectives
(i) Receive and spend grants of money from the Government of the Commonwealth or of the State or from other sources.

The assets and income of the organisation shall be applied solely in furtherance of its above mentioned objects and no portion shall be distributed directly or indirectly to the members of the organisation except as bona fide compensation for services rendered or expenses incurred on behalf of the organisation.

Membership Eligibility

A person must be:

• An Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person who is 18 years and over, and resides in Derby
• Non-indigenous person who is a permanent resident of the town of Derby
• Committed to the objectives of the corporation

How to become a Member

A person is eligible under rule 3.1 (see Membership Eligibility)

A person applies in writing. The directors accept/not accept the application at the next Board of Directors meeting.
The directors must not accept an application if it results in a majority of members being non-indigenous.
The directors may refuse to accept a membership application even if the applicant has applied in writing and complies with all the eligibility requirements. However, they must notify the applicant in writing of the decision and the reasons for it.

The person‘s name and date they became a member is entered on the register of members.

Members Rights

Each member has rights under the Act and these rules including the rights set out below. A member:

  • can attend, speak and vote at general meetings
  • can be elected or appointed as a director. (Refer to Rule 5.2. & 5.2.2.)
  • cannot be removed as a member unless the directors and the corporation have complied with rule 3.7
  • can put forward resolutions at general meetings of the Corporation in accordance with Rule 4.6.
  • can ask the directors to call a general meeting of the corporation in accordance with Rule 4.3.
  • can look at the books and records of the corporation upon approval by the directors, or the corporation by a resolution passed at a general meeting, may authorise a member to inspect the books of the corporation.

Members Responsibility & Liability

Each member has the following responsibilities.

  • to comply with the Act and these rules.
  • to notify the corporation of any change of address within 28 days.
  • to comply with any code of conduct adopted by the organization.
  • to treat other members and the directors with respect and dignity.
  • to not behave in a way that significantly interferes with the operation of the corporation 3.5 

Liability of Members

Members do not have to pay corporation debts if the corporation is wound up.


Register to become a member by filling out the form below.  We will be in touch within 48 hours.

1. Name

The name of the corporation is Ngunga Group Women’s Aboriginal Corporation

2. Objectives

The corporation aims to provide direct relief of poverty, suffering, helplessness and distress through the provision of financial counselling, emergency financial relief and various family support services without discrimination and to include, but without limiting the generality of the above, the following:

(a) Provide resource facilities for the people of the West Kimberley.
(b) Promote educational and socio-economic development for Aboriginal people;
(c) Provide resources to assist Parents in their care of children.
(d) Encourage social development within the community
(e) Support community members in their pursuit of self-reliance by referring to relevant agencies
(f) Encourage community members to practice traditional culture
(g) Engage other Aboriginal Corporations in projects of mutual understanding
(h) Source funding from Commonwealth and State agencies to meet our objectives
(i) Receive and spend grants of money from the Government of the Commonwealth or of the State or from other sources.

The assets and income of the organisation shall be applied solely in furtherance of its above mentioned objects and no portion shall be distributed directly or indirectly to the members of the organisation except as bona fide compensation for services rendered or expenses incurred on behalf of the organisation.

3. Members

3.1 Who is eligible?
A person must be:
• An Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person who is 18 years and over, and resides in Derby.
• Non-indigenous person who is a permanent resident of the town of Derby
• Committed to the objectives of the corporation.

3.2 How to become a member

  • A person is eligible under rule 3.1.
  • A person applies in writing. The directors accept/not accept the application at the next Board of Directors meeting.
  • The directors must not accept an application if it results in a majority of members being non-indigenous.
  • The directors may refuse to accept a membership application even if the applicant has applied in writing and complies with all the eligibility requirements. However, they must notify the applicant in writing of the decision and the reasons for it. The person‘s name and date they became a member is entered on the register of members.

3.3 Members’ rights

Each member has rights under the Act and these rules including the rights set out below. A member: can attend, speak and vote at general meetings

  • can be elected or appointed as a director. (Refer to Rule 5.2. & 5.2.2.)
  • cannot be removed as a member unless the directors and the corporation have complied with rule 3.7
  • can put forward resolutions at general meetings of the Corporation in accordance with Rule 4.6.
  • can ask the directors to call a general meeting of the corporation in accordance with Rule 4.3.
  • can look at the books and records of the corporation upon approval by the directors, or the corporation by a resolution passed at a general meeting, may authorise a member to inspect the books of the corporation.

3.4 Members’ responsibilities
Each member has the following responsibilities.

  • to comply with the Act and these rules.
  • to notify the corporation of any change of address within 28 days.
  • to comply with any code of conduct adopted by the organization.
  • to treat other members and the directors with respect and dignity.
  • to not behave in a way that significantly interferes with the operation of the corporation

3.5 Liability of members
Members do not have to pay corporation debts if the corporation is wound up.

3.6 How to stop being a member
3.6.1. A person stops being a member if: the person resign in writing (the corporation must remove the member‘s name from the register of current members of the corporation within 14 days after the receiving the resignation notice.)

  • the person die.
  • the person‘s membership is cancelled (see Rule 3.7.)
  • the person no longer resides in the town of Derby.
  • The person‘s name and date they stopped being a member is put on the register of former members

3.7 Cancelling membership
3.7.1. Cancelling membership if member is not or ceases to be eligible:

(a) The directors may, by resolution, cancel the membership of a member if the member:
(i) is not eligible for membership or (3.1.)
(ii) has ceased to be eligible for membership. (3.6.)

(b) Before cancelling the membership, the directors must give the member notice in writing stating that:
(i) the member membership will be cancelled for the reasons specified in the notice and the member has 14 days to respond in writing to object to the cancellation of the membership.

(c) if the member does not object within 14 days, a notice in writing be sent to the member notifying of cancellation of membership. Refer to Rule 3.6.1. (The person’s name and date they stopped being a member is put on the register of former members).

(d) If the member does object
The directors cannot cancel the membership. The membership can only be cancelled by resolution at a general meeting by the corporation.

3.8 The register of members and former members

3.8.1. The Corporation must set up and maintain a register of members.

3.8.2. Information on the register of members

  • current members‘ and former members‘ names and addresses
  • the date on which the members name was entered on the register.
  • The date members ceased being a member.
  • if a member is not an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person, their entry in the register of members must say so.
  • The Register must be kept at the Corporation‘s document access address and made available at the AGM (Annual General Meeting).
  • Ask each member attending the AGM to check and update their entry.


    I, (Note: corporation‘s rules may permit corporate applicants.) of . hereby apply for membership of I declare that I am eligible for membership.